Birding at Grammie's house

Easter Sunday saw us in Lisbon munching on ham, mashed potatoes, broccoli, deviled eggs, chocolate and cheesecake. In the middle of all that, I totally took advantage of taking inventory of all the birds at Grammie's house, many that I don't have regularly at my house yet. :) 


One of the many Bluebirds that hung out all winter

An American Kestral hanging out in a neighboring field

Red Breasted Nuthatch

Female Downy Woodpecker

Them Goldfinches doe!

Grackles atop the Hackmatack tree


An immature Red Winged Blackbird

The male Downy Woodpecker

The male House Finch tells the rowdy Blue Jays to simmah down

Mr. B at the birdbath

And then there's this turkey, cleaning out the brook so the water will run. *sigh*
