Caterpillar Hill Scenic Turnout - Brooksville, Maine

Mid August I picked a day when the kid wasn't going to be around and went to snag my mom early - very early - and head downeast. I knew we wouldn't have a ton of time but hey - any is good enough. We bombed straight north and cut over to Bucksport via Bangor to escape the relentless Rt 1 traffic. From there, I slipped down Rt 175 towards Orland on the way to Stonington. :) Makes me grin like crazy just thinking about it - I love it out there.

We stopped at the Caterpillar Hill scenic turnout off Rt 175 just south of Brooksville and took in the beauty of the rugged coast. As far as the eye could see there were blueberry fields, roses and rose hips, the open ocean, Walker Pond, mountains, hills and granite. The smell of salt hung in the air and the excitement of traveling further onto the islands made me just giddy with excitement. I don't get to share these things with my mom very often and when we do, it's just awesome. We spent a few minutes here before heading closer to the sea....

Overlooking the Northern Bay of the Bagaduce River, in the town of Penobscot

From the Caterpillar Hill scenic turnout, overlooking Walker Pond and Camden Hills State Park
