Backyard Shenanigans - Teasing the Cat

Hey - you - cat in the window

I hope you enjoy watching us buddy, cause it's a little creepy for us out here

(Insert a chattering noise like you've never heard before here)

What's a matter kitteh, are  you in a bad.... mewd?

Are you going to come at us with your 'claw enforcement' badge?

Hey - I have one for you. Why don't cats play poker in the jungle?

Too many cheetahs.

Seriously? That was bad.

What do you call the cat that was caught by the police?

 The purrpatrator.

Ok, ok - I have one too. What do cats like to eat for breakfast?

Mice Krispies.

You guys better hope that cat never gets out.


  1. I'm quite sure they really want to entertain kitty, not tease. ;)))

  2. Great series of birds, especially love the cute chickadees. Cute captions and post. Happy weekend!

  3. Haha, the cute jokes really make this

  4. A lovely series! The Titmouse is darling!


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