The start of another year

Wow - it's been awhile since I've been here! The second half of 2011 turned out to be very busy for me and I seemed to loose track of what I was doing for me and put all my efforts into keeping up with my son and new obligations.

What where have I been? Well, I'll sum it up for you....
  • It was hot - unbearably hot - and we spent most of our free time at the beach. I actually have blog material for that. As the fall started we became busy with school and sports and had NO adventures at all.
  • Monkey went from Little League Baseball to All Stars Baseball to Summer Baseball. From there it was fall (travel) soccer. Currently he's in winter soccer, soccer footskills, indoor baseball and basketball.
  • I was appointed Secretary and webmaster for our local Little League.
  • I started a jewelry making business with an Etsy & Facebook page and it's going very well!
What have I missed out on?
  • Adventures. It was too hot to do much of anything and then all our weekends were overtaken by sports.
  • Reading. I haven't read a good book since my last trip to the beach in August.
  • Blogging. Obviously, I haven't been around at all.
  • Photography. The most pictures I take now are of jewelry I've made. I need adventures to fix that.
  • Birding. I haven't had time to watch the birdies - and that includes my own back yard. I need to fill up the feeders for my feathered friends too - I've just been a total slacker.
So as you can see, I've acquired alot of new responsibility and miss my outlets that kept me sane. My job for 2012? To try to combine my old and new worlds together. I can't wait to see how this goes. And I'm starting today with an adventure of some kind, I just need to figure out what it's going to be.

I've missed you my friends!

"Are you trying to take a picture of something?"

X-Box Kinect is the coolest gaming ever. 301 darts - I kicked their toushies

Annual New Years Sparklers

Happy New Year!

Ewwww! ♥


  1. Hey she is back ... it is about time you show up here in the great world of can be very time consuming when there are so many other thing that have to be attented to such as you have going on!!
    Hope you have an adventure today in the new year!!

  2. I'm hoping to keep up, I really need to! We DID go on an adventure today - more to come later! :)


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