Backyard birdies returning to the feeders

Fall weather is flushing out all my backyard birdies - Chickadees, Nuthatches, Juncos, Blue Jays, Mourning Doves, Titmice, Cardinals, Sparrows, Grackles and Goldies are cleaning me out along with the brood of Gray Squirrels I have kicking around. It's nice to have them around again, they really do make me smile.

One of the five Titmouse frequent fliers I have invading the feeders

I'm pretty sure this is a young purple finch.. or a ratty looking female.
Clay-Colored Sparrow 

Juncos are here already, sweeping the area below the feeders

I didn't realize how much I missed my sweet little charcoal-colored babies!

And one seriously cold Goldfinch

Fog in the early sunrise

Brat cat

The boy and his dog


  1. Hey Nay...Like the Chickadee.. looks like a fighter plane about to take of!
    And what is that between my grandson's eyes ...did he take a digger!!

  2. Love seeing all your backyard visitors, and looking forward to the Juncos here too.

  3. Hi Renee´, nice pictures . Looks like you have wonderful nature of your surroundings . My current camera is an Olympus 8000 Tough but I'll probably buy an SLR for post-Christmas sales . Had an analog SLR Canon EOS in the 90s , time for an upgrade . You are welcome to visit my homepage . The photos are mostly from my fishingtrips but many photos of nature too under tab Fiske o naturfoto/Tema natur.
    Keep on the good work . / Ronnie


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